The Composed Elephant Personality

Have you at any point sat among a group of elephants and felt a feeling of quiet and serenity fall over you as they move quietly through the bush around you?

An elephant personality is a person whose conscious actions emit confidence and calm in walks of his life. With an overwhelming physical existence and spiritual conduct there are very few walls which can hold him back.

A person with such personality has a very close knot family bond and shows great emotional connection. They empathise with people at work place as well and provide support and care.

They are super committed in all their tasks. Elephants make great leaders with a terrific combination of communication and arduous personality.

Very few times they display fierce temper when their families are in danger.

Since their personality has an emotional touch, lovers find them fascinating.


An elephant has a very legible round writing with as and os clearly made. The words are evenly spaced with low capitals which show their calm nature. Their upper and lower strokes are long and light because of their spiritual behaviour.

They often make round dots for periods, careful punctuation and even narrow margin.

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